Sumitomo Wiring Systems

Sumitomo Wiring Systems
Sumitomo Wiring Systems, Ltd. cooperates to make a better society through technology and high-quality products.

                       Company Overview
Company Name                          Sumitomo Wiring Systems, Ltd.
Established                                  Dec. 22, 1917
Capital                                         20,042 million yen (as of the end of Mar. 2023)
President                                     Kenichi Urushibata
Employees(Non-Consolidated)   7,246 (as of the end of Mar. 2023)
Employees (Global)                     242,512 (as of the end of Mar. 2023)
Head Office                                 5-28 Hamada-cho, Yokkaichi, Mie, Japan
Business     Manufacture and sales of wiring harnesses, harness components and other electric wires
Net Sales   1,642.3 billion yen (net entire harness business sales as of the end of Mar. 2023)
751.9 billion yen (net non-consolidated sales as of the end of Mar. 2023)