Corporate Motto
Management Rationale
To provide opportunities for the material and intellectual growth of all our employees, and through our joint efforts, contribute to the advancement of society and humankind.
Management Philosophy
Living Together. To coexist harmoniously with our society, our global community and nature. Harmonious coexistence is the underlying foundation of all our business activities as we work to create a world of prosperity and peace.
Management Based on the Bonds of Human Minds
Kyocera started as a small, suburban factory, with no money, credentials or reputation. We had nothing to rely on but a little technology and 28 trustworthy colleagues.
Nonetheless, the company experienced rapid growth because everyone exerted their maximum efforts and managers devoted their lives to earning the trust of employees. We wanted to be an excellent company where all employees could believe in each other, abandon selfish motives, and be truly proud to work. This desire became the foundation of Kyocera’s management.
Human minds are said to be easily changeable. Yet, there is nothing stronger than the human mind. Kyocera developed into what it is today because it is based on the bonds of human minds.
Electronic Components, Devices and Materials
Fine Ceramic Components
Semiconductor /LCD
Processing Equipment
Life / Culture /Industrial
Wireless Communications
Computer Peripherals
Environmental Preservation /Renewable Energy
Medical Equipment / Devices
Single-Crystal Sapphire Products
Metallized / Vacuum Components
Electronics Industry
Piezoelectric Ceramics
Wire to Wire / Board Connectors
Shunt Connectors
Interface Connectors
Card Edge Connectors
Shield Locks
Power Terminals
Application Tools
Crystal Devices
Crystal Units
Clock Oscillators (SPXO)
Voltage Controlled Crystal
Oscillators (VCXO)
Temperature Compensated
Crystal Oscillators (TCXO)
SAW Devices