BizLink Technology Inc.

BizLink Technology Inc.
The research and development, design, manufacturing, sales of products and components for diverse tech industries including information technology, consumer electronics, cables and harnesses for EV battery management system, medical equipment, semiconductor equipment, optical communication devices, photovoltaic interconnect products, and industrial equipment.


BizLink, founded in 1996, is headquartered in Silicon Valley, USA. Our very first products were IT industry power cord sets. Since then, BizLink has aimed to achieve a higher diversity level of interconnect solutions with regard to essential components, harnesses and cables. We supply products for various industry sectors worldwide including IT Infrastructure, Client Peripherals, Optical Fiber Communications, Telecom and Networking, Electrical Appliances, Healthcare, Factory Automation, Machinery and Sensors, Motor Vehicle, Rolling Stock, Marine, Industrial and Solar. Our mission is to make interconnection easier and to become a reliable interconnect solution provider.

We support environmentally-conscious industries, creating innovative products and services that improve our life. As a tier-one interconnect solution company, BizLink has state-of-the-art facilities, advanced manufacturing processes, and professional research and development capabilities. With flexible production resources and global R&D teams in America, Europe, and Asia, BizLink always provides reliable interconnect solutions in close proximity to markets. BizLink also specializes in offering one-stop EMS and NPI services based on customer's requests. At BizLink, we strive to keep collaborating closely with customers to turn their innovative ideas into reality.

Connections rapidly change the world. At BizLink, we'll keep developing cutting edge interconnect solutions for customers, driving improvements in products that provide enhancing business opportunities for your industry.

Industries & Solutions

IT Infrastructure

Client Peripherals

Electrical Appliances

Motor Vehicle

Medical Equipment

Optical Fiber Communications



Factory Automation


Telecom and Networking

Raw Wires and Cables

Machinery and Sensors


Rolling Stock

Silicone Solutions